⦿ 61% students qualified in JEE Advanced 2023    ⦿ 86% students qualified in NEET 2023


Privacy Policy Summary

Thank you for visiting the Amity Institute for Competitive Examinations (as known as AICE) website and reviewing our privacy policy. Our policy is simple: We collect no personal information about you unless you choose to provide that information to us. We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party. If you want to know more about how we record non-personal information about your visit or how we use information that you voluntarily submit.

Non-personal Information We Record

If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the website, read pages, or download information, our website's operating system will automatically record some general information about your visit.

During your visit, our web operating system will record
  • The type of browser (such as "Netscape version X" or "Internet Explorer version X") that you are using
  • The type of operating system that you use (such as Macintosh, Unix, or Windows)
  • The date and time you visit our site, and the web pages that you visit on our site
  • The address of the previous website you were visiting, if you linked to us from another website
  • We use this information for statistical analysis, to help us make our site more useful to visitors. This tracking system does not record information about individuals


On certain AICE web pages, we use "cookies" to help you use our websites interactively. A cookie is a small file that a website transfers to your computer's hard disk, usually to keep track of you while you are connected to that site. The cookies on AICE web pages do not collect information about you, but only about your browser "session." The cookie makes it easier for you to use the dynamic features of these web pages, without having to provide the same information again as you move from one page to another. To protect your privacy, be sure to close your browser completely after you have finished conducting business with a website that uses cookies. If you are concerned about the potential use of information gathered from your computer by cookies, you can set your browser to prompt you before it accepts a cookie. Most Internet browsers have settings that let you identify or reject cookies.

Information from E-mail You Send to Us

If you decide to send us an electronic mail message (e-mail), the message will usually contain your return e-mail address. If you include personally-identifying information in your e-mail because you want us to address issues specific to your situation, we may use that information in responding to your request. Also, e-mail is not necessarily secure against interception. Please send only information necessary to help us process your request.

Consent & Authorization

You authorise AICE and its associates to contact you with updates & notifications via Email, SMS, RCS, WhatsApp, and Voice call between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. This consent will override any registration for DNC / NDNC. The customers enquiring on our platform will be reached out through messaging platforms such as SMS & RCS with promotional content.

Information Collected from Interactive Forms

In some of our web pages, we offer interactive forms that let you voluntarily submit personal information (such as your e-mail address, name, or organization). This occurs when you are registering for counselling, various tests, quizzes, seminars, workshops, or training sessions offered by AICE, downloading admission forms from AICE. In those cases, all submitted information is used only for the purposes for which it is intended and is not made available to any third party.

Links to Other Sites and Partners

Our policy discloses the privacy practices for the AICE website. But AICE provides links to other websites. When you leave the AICE website (https://AICE.edu/aice/), you will be going to sites that are beyond our control. These other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data, or solicit personal information. The privacy policies and procedures described here for AICE do not apply to any external links. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any site you link to from ours, especially if you share any personal information. Be informed. You are the person best qualified to protect your own privacy. “By using the AICE and/or registering yourself at AICE you authorize AICE (including its representatives, affiliates, and its business partners) to contact you via email or phone call or sms or WhatsApp or RCS and offer you our services for the programme/courses you have opted for, imparting programme/courses knowledge, for which reasons your information may be collected in the manner as detailed under this Policy. You hereby agree that you authorize AICE to contact you for the above mentioned purposes even if you have registered yourself under DND or DNC or NCPR service(s).

Refund Policy

Refund as per the AICE guidelines.